A new decade, a new voice for the ONS…

There’s a new Twitter channel for everyone who wants to know more about the Office for National Statistics…
From today, @ONSfocus will be the official platform for news and discussion about what’s happening at the ONS. It designed for everyone with an in interest in the numbers that matter most and how they’re produced.
While the main @ONS account will continue to be the place for statistics, the new channel will be the place for talk about the ONS itself.
How we’re mobilising the power of data to help the UK make better decisions. Information about ONS events. Our international work through the UN and other global partnerships. How we produce statistics now and how we’re preparing for a very different future. The list of topics is long.
The success of the National Statistical blog has shown the demand for more of this information. The new channel will allow us to have close dialogue with everyone who shares our passion for good statistics and compelling analysis. There may even be the odd video or two bring the subject further to life.
So if you want to keep updated with all that’s happening here and get an inside look at what we do just click to follow us at @ONSfocus.