
Arrangement marks a new era of statistical cooperation with Eurostat

When the Office for National Statistics ceased to be a member of the European Statistical System in 2020, all work with Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, ended. National Statistician, Sir Ian Diamond, explains how a new arrangement on statistical cooperation marks a reset in our working relationship.

Read more on Arrangement marks a new era of statistical cooperation with Eurostat

Our digital journey: moving to electronic questionnaires

Earlier this year we shared news about the Retail Sales Inquiry (RSI) – the monthly national survey of shops and shopping –  moving to digital data collection. ONS is transforming the way it collects data, improving the speed and quality of the information while reducing the burden on respondents. Here, Jason Bradbury reflects on the achievements and challenges of the journey so far. 

Read more on Our digital journey: moving to electronic questionnaires