Office for National Statistics

Our changing population is there for all to see 

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From finishing studies to entering the workforce, from getting married to earning the most money – everyone’s journey through adulthood is different. However, we can use a range of data to explore when key events in life are most likely to happen. Rich Pereira looks at how these milestones of adulthood have changed over the past decade and how society is shifting.

Read more on Our changing population is there for all to see 

Inclusive Income: How COVID-19 affected our new measures

Image of grandparents playing with a baby

Our headline measure of the size of the economy, Gross Domestic Product, is produced rapidly and relied on widely. So it’s no surprise that when the pandemic hit in 2020 we saw a focus on the rapid fall in output it revealed. But how does our understanding change if we take a wider perspective on the economy and account for the sustainability of economic activity? Here Cliodhna Taylor looks at some wider metrics that we have just published for that period.

Read more on Inclusive Income: How COVID-19 affected our new measures