Celebrating STEM during British Science Week

With STEM subjects at the core of ONS’s work, Director of Population Statistics, Mary Gregory, explains why we should all…
Read more on Celebrating STEM during British Science WeekWith STEM subjects at the core of ONS’s work, Director of Population Statistics, Mary Gregory, explains why we should all…
Read more on Celebrating STEM during British Science WeekSince accelerating the move from travel survey findings to administrative data gathered by government bodies, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has been continuously improving the way it estimates long term international migration. This transformation and continued development of methods has contributed to the revisions seen in recent times. Here Mary Gregory updates on the latest work to provide a more detailed picture of EU and British international migration.
Read more on Working to improve estimates of EU and British international migrationONS is transforming the way it produces international migration statistics. It has done so against the backdrop of significant change in the UK and abroad. Here Mary Gregory describes how ONS continues to understand more, not only about new data sources, but also changing behaviours of migrants and how that affects the estimates.
Read more on Developing our international migration estimatesFollowing a collaboration with the BBC and Micro:bit Foundation ONS Director, Mary Gregory, shares how the results of a playground…
Read more on Inspiring the Next Generation Through Playground DataWe are today sharing plans for our work to continuously improve the information available on gender identity statistics. This follows our request to reclassify our Census 2021 gender identity estimates to official statistics in development, which better reflects our developing understanding of measuring this complex and important topic. Here, Mary Gregory outlines what we are doing to support use of the existing gender identity data and our plans to review the standards for future data collection.
Read more on Better understanding the strengths and limitations of gender identity statistics