Keeping average house prices up to date

The housing market is very much under the spotlight at the moment with interest rates and house prices capturing the…
Read more on Keeping average house prices up to dateThe housing market is very much under the spotlight at the moment with interest rates and house prices capturing the…
Read more on Keeping average house prices up to dateToday marks an important step in the ONS’s transformation journey, with the launch of new private housing rents statistics. Utilising far more data points than before, these new measures allow us to measure both the level and rate of change in rental prices right down to local authority areas. Chris Jenkins tells us about these new figures as well as our new data source for measuring the prices of second-hand cars.
Read more on Big Ticket Items: How ONS is transforming its measures of inflationHouse prices are attracting a lot of attention at the moment with speculation around whether we may see a housing market crash amidst a sluggish economy. Here at the ONS, we have also seen some debate about how average house prices, such as those published in our UK House Price Index (HPI) are calculated as well as some queries around the timeliness of our HPI data. Chris Jenkins explains the detailed calculations that take place in order that we can produce meaningful and comparable measures of change across the UK.
Read more on On the market – how the ONS measures property pricesOur consumer inflation statistics are closely watched, not only because they tell us how price rises are affecting people, but also because they are a crucial piece of information, used by the Bank of England when setting Interest rates. Chris Jenkins talks about the complex adjustments we make to ensure the index shows only real, underlying changes in prices.
Read more on Keeping it consistent – how we quality adjust CPIInflation is big news at the moment given the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukraine conflict and the subsequent rise in the cost of living. When inflation is high, we all feel the impact as this reduces the amount of goods and services we can afford to purchase. As our latest numbers show a fall in the inflation rate, Chris Jenkins explains why it is important to understand this doesn’t necessarily mean a fall in prices.
Read more on Inflation: How it’s reported and its impact on prices