
Building a picture of climate impacts on health

In February 2022, ONS began a four-year project, funded by Wellcome, to develop the first set of official metrics to measure the impact of climate change on health. This will unlock a wealth of new insight, giving countries greater ability to plan services and policies in the face of a range of climate health challenges. As the ONS publishes details of this new statistical framework, Myer Glickman explains the next steps in this important work.

Read more on Building a picture of climate impacts on health

Bringing Data to Life: The value of environmental statistics

How does the data we collect help us to measure climate change? What is the ‘green economy’? And how do our Natural Capital Accounts help us to better understand the economic and social value of the UK’s natural resources?

These questions and more will be answered by the ONS team as part of an online event taking place on Tuesday 22nd October.

Read more on Bringing Data to Life: The value of environmental statistics

Measuring Climate Impacts on Health

Tree with Right hand side full of leaves on health patch of grass and the other half is dead with no leaves on a dried up patch of mud

Climate related emergencies have made frequent headlines over the last few years, from record heatwaves and wildfires, to increased flood risk – but how can we measure how our climate, and the changes we are seeing, are affecting us?
Without this evidence, we cannot know the true health burden of climate change. This is where the ONS Climate & Health Project fits in – a four-year project, funded by Wellcome, which we began in February 2022. As we pass the project mid-way point, Gillian Flower reflects on the achievements so far, and the wider implications of this important work.

Read more on Measuring Climate Impacts on Health