Office for National Statistics

Shopping Around for Retail Data? How ONS keeps tabs on a fast-changing sector

Evolving shopping habits are keeping UK retailers on their toes, forcing many to adapt to survive.  The rise of online sales and the disappearance of some big names from UK high streets have also challenged ONS to maintain the accuracy and relevance of the Retail Sales Index.  As Rhian Murphy explains,  the breadth of its coverage means the RSI remains a leading indicator – not just of retailing but of the economy as a whole.

Read more on Shopping Around for Retail Data? How ONS keeps tabs on a fast-changing sector

Children’s Mental Health: Understanding the issues

The possible effects of screen time and social media on children’s mental health are much in the news at the moment. But the mental health of the youngest in our society is complex and can be affected by many factors. To mark Children’s Mental Health Week and Time To Talk Day, Tim Vizard explains how ONS is working to improve the evidence base.

Read more on Children’s Mental Health: Understanding the issues

Can social media data improve official statistics? Not yet, suggests new work on tourism

While ONS strategy is focused on making more use of government-held data to improve official statistics , researchers in the Data Science Campus are also exploring the value of social media data. There’s plenty of it and its potential seems obvious. But who is “citizen of the world” and where is “Black Pudding land”? As well as privacy concerns some big limitations in the data need addressing too, conclude Lanthao Benedikt and Emily Tew.  

Read more on Can social media data improve official statistics? Not yet, suggests new work on tourism

Beyond GDP: How ONS is developing wider measures of well-being

ONS is continuing to develop new ways of measuring and reporting the UK’s economic and social progress. Richard Tonkin introduces the new Personal and Economic Well-being publication and how it helps us better answer important questions about how are we all doing?’

Read more on Beyond GDP: How ONS is developing wider measures of well-being