
How does living in a more deprived area influence rates of suicide?

Every year, organisations and communities come together on World Suicide Prevention Day to raise awareness of how we can create a society where fewer people reach the point where they feel suicide is their only option. Ben Windsor-Shellard from the ONS, along with Magdalena Tomaszewska and Mette Isaksen from Samaritans, reflect on the latest suicide figures and analysis of suicide rates by local area deprivation.

Read more on How does living in a more deprived area influence rates of suicide?

Parenting under lockdown

New analysis highlights the pressures faced by parents during the coronavirus lockdown, due to taking on more childcare and homeschooling responsibilities. As we’ve found from many aspects of life under lockdown, not everyone’s experience is the same, but early results suggest these additional pressures have been affecting the work and overall wellbeing of some parents. Gueorguie Vassilev and Tracy Williams explain more.

Read more on Parenting under lockdown

How the Office for National Statistics is responding to the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic

The Office for National Statistics is gathering vital information on the social and economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic and feeding it into the government to help planning, protect lives and reduce the impact on the economy. Here Iain Bell explains the work ONS are doing to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on our society and economy and what the initial results show.

Read more on How the Office for National Statistics is responding to the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic

Why have suicide levels risen among young people and what can be done to tackle this?

Every year, organisations and communities around the world come together on World Suicide Prevention Day to raise awareness of how we can create a world where fewer people reach the point where they feel suicide is their only option.  Ben Windsor-Shellard from ONS and Charlotte Simms from Samaritans reflect on the latest suicide figures for young people.

Read more on Why have suicide levels risen among young people and what can be done to tackle this?