Are there really 6m EU citizens living in the UK?

Media reports have suggested there are many more EU nationals in the UK than previously thought. This is due to…
Read more on Are there really 6m EU citizens living in the UK?Media reports have suggested there are many more EU nationals in the UK than previously thought. This is due to…
Read more on Are there really 6m EU citizens living in the UK?The Office for National Statistics has been transforming its international migration statistics using a range of new and existing data sources. Better use of data held across government will underpin the future of the UK’s migration statistics. Jay Lindop explains why the latest estimates will be the last to use the International Passenger Survey and why today’s figures reinforce the need to progress the move to a new system.
Read more on Providing the best picture of international migrationRestrictions designed to halt the spread of COVID-19 have changed patterns of international travel dramatically. Jay Lindop explains how our migration statistics are changing to reflect this new context.
Read more on Understanding international migration in a rapidly changing worldThe latest ONS figures show that while overall migration to the UK is fairly stable, EU migration has been falling since 2016 and non-EU arrivals have gradually increased since 2013 to a record level. Here Jay Lindop summarises the latest numbers and explains how an important new data source will in future shed more light on EU-UK migration.
Read more on Study the biggest driver of migration to the UK, but overall levels remain stableProviding more detailed statistics and analysis on UK migration is one of the ONS’ top priorities. Here Jay Lindop explains how access to new data is helping us to reveal a better and more useful picture of migration.
Read more on Transforming migration statistics: how better data is helping us develop deeper insights