
Understanding commuting patterns from Census 2021

London Underground during the pandemic

In March 2021, England and Wales was in the middle of a period of lockdown due to the ongoing impact of the coronavirus pandemic. It was also a time when swathes of the workforce were on furlough, while many others were working from home. Today’s census results on the labour market and travel to work are reflective of this period of unparalleled and rapid change.

Read more on Understanding commuting patterns from Census 2021

Updating the snapshot: Making sure local population statistics remain accurate and reliable

Crowds of people walking through a busy street

Accurate and truly representative population statistics are central to the Office for National Statistics’ mission of data for the public good. Following the successful census in March 2021, now we are pulling out all the stops to make sure our numbers reflect recent and ongoing population changes. Jen Woolford explains how we are prioritising this important work and collaborating in new ways to deliver it.

Read more on Updating the snapshot: Making sure local population statistics remain accurate and reliable

Transforming the way we produce population statistics

Picture of busy crowds in London

The census gives us a brilliant, detailed snapshot of England and Wales, but since census day the world has continued to change. People move home, change jobs, some will have left the country while others will have arrived. Reflecting these ongoing changes, Jen Woolford explains how the ONS is using a variety of data sources to provide more frequent, inclusive, and timely statistics to allow us to understand population change in local areas this year and beyond.

Read more on Transforming the way we produce population statistics