In the balance: Identifying differences between UK and EU trade figures

Container port

There is continuing interest in the apparent disparities between the UK’s official statistics on trade and those produced by the European Union (EU), which have increased since the end of the Brexit transition period.  The ONS is working hard to identify and resolve these issues. However, as Matt Hughes explains, a fundamental accounting difference appears to be the major factor. 

Read more on In the balance: Identifying differences between UK and EU trade figures

Getting the right tools – How we are creating wider estimates of GDP

Picture of a forest

GDP, as an internationally accepted measure of the economy, is often criticised for missing much of what is important – how much work people do for free in their own homes and what impact the economy has on the environment. Richard Heys talks about plans to develop wider measures that go beyond GDP and what they tell us about our changing society and economy.

Read more on Getting the right tools – How we are creating wider estimates of GDP

Public data for Public Good: Making sure official statistics are better joined-up

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of providing the public with coherent and accessible statistics where there are multiple producers. A key part of this is working across the statistical system to ensure that our statistics tell a joined up and coherent story.  In this post Debra Prestwood explains the latest work being undertaken across government bodies to ensure that we are drawing together outputs on the same topic to present a single picture.

Read more on Public data for Public Good: Making sure official statistics are better joined-up