Mind the gap: why the UK might not be the most regionally unequal country

The relative prosperity of our nations and regions has been under scrutiny again with claims that the UK’s regional inequalities are among the world’s most extreme. But when our regional divide is compared with those of other countries it’s often a case of not comparing like with like.

Read more on Mind the gap: why the UK might not be the most regionally unequal country

Working 9 to 5? – How we count unemployment and what the numbers show

For months now, UK employment has been sitting at or near record highs. Naturally there has been speculation about what is driving the increase, and whether it is mainly because of people on ‘zero hours contracts.’ Jonathan Athow delves into the figures to show how we measure this important figure and what being ‘unemployed’ actually means for official statistics.

Read more on Working 9 to 5? – How we count unemployment and what the numbers show