Helping businesses to help ONS – making data submission easier and faster

ONS statistics are relied on by central and local government, businesses and individuals to make important decisions and plan for the future. To make sure they remain accurate and relevant, we need to gather timely and detailed information that captures the whole economy and the fortunes of businesses large and small. Now we want to give businesses more of a say in how our systems are designed.

Read more on Helping businesses to help ONS – making data submission easier and faster

Keeping the census relevant in a changing world

In an era when ‘national treasures’ come and go, it’s rare to find something that’s earned the public’s trust and affection generation after generation. But every 10 years, residents in England and Wales take the time to participate in the census. Ian Cope explains how we’re already planning for 2021.

Read more on Keeping the census relevant in a changing world