Office for National Statistics

Supporting global goals in Ghana

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals offer a blueprint to global prosperity. ONS is leading an effort to provide our international partner countries with an open-source reporting platform for them. Christopher Norris, who recently worked with the Ghana Statistical Service, reports on how the African nation is working to get this vital data online.

Read more on Supporting global goals in Ghana

Looking after and using data for public benefit

Improved access to datasets including those held by other government bodies will allow ONS to advance its mission of providing the UK with better statistics for better decisions.  But with new data sharing powers comes a heightened responsibility to protect personal information.  As revised policies on the use, management and security of data are published Heather Savory explains how ONS is putting the public interest first.

Read more on Looking after and using data for public benefit

Transforming GDP: Economic statistics for a digital age   

ONS has radical plans to fundamentally update and enhance the way it calculates many of the UK’s key economic statistics. More detailed information about the dominant services sector and more data on smaller firms add up to the biggest overhaul of GDP in a generation, as Rob Kent-Smith reveals.     

Read more on Transforming GDP: Economic statistics for a digital age