
Updating the snapshot: Making sure local population statistics remain accurate and reliable

Crowds of people walking through a busy street

Accurate and truly representative population statistics are central to the Office for National Statistics’ mission of data for the public good. Following the successful census in March 2021, now we are pulling out all the stops to make sure our numbers reflect recent and ongoing population changes. Jen Woolford explains how we are prioritising this important work and collaborating in new ways to deliver it.

Read more on Updating the snapshot: Making sure local population statistics remain accurate and reliable

Make life more inclusive: understanding disabled people’s access to activities, products and services

An image of three people in a park

An important part of ONS’s work is to identify and provide insight into inequalities in society. One key area we are exploring is the lives of disabled people. We have recently published two new pieces of analysis looking at access to activities, products and services. Here, the ONS’s Beth Cook and Siannan Kerrigan explain more…

Read more on Make life more inclusive: understanding disabled people’s access to activities, products and services

The importance of ethics and privacy in producing statistics for the public good

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At a time of exponential growth in data of all kinds, the potential for data science to improve public services and achieve better health outcomes has never been greater. But we also have a responsibility to ensure that those data are used ethically and protect individual privacy. Starting with the UK parliament’s objective for the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to produce and publish statistics for the public good, the latest episode of ‘Statistically Speaking’ explores how this is being delivered in practice, while looking at the safeguards in place to protect personal data, and the public’s changing perception of acceptable data use.

Read more on The importance of ethics and privacy in producing statistics for the public good

Measuring Progress: GDP & Beyond

The ONS mission to better inform understanding of economic, environmental and social progress more broadly than can be captured purely in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has taken another step forward. Under the banner ‘Quality of life in the UK’ we have begun publishing fresh estimates of national well-being alongside the latest monthly and quarterly estimates of GDP. Combined with the recently-added Climate Change Insights publication, this quarterly package aims to offer a more holistic view of our economic, environmental and social progress. Liz McKeown unveils the new ‘GDP& Beyond’ day and invites stats users to get involved in its continuing development.

Read more on Measuring Progress: GDP & Beyond