Strengthening Income and Earnings statistics

Image depicting income data, charts and a pile of coins

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance of producing a clear and consistent UK-wide picture of people’s lives and the state of the economy. Our statistics on income and earnings are a critical component of this picture, necessary to understand its impact on wages, incomes, and more broadly household finances. Here, Debra Prestwood explains how statistical producers from across the Government Statistical Service (GSS) are coming together to improve the coherence and accessibility of these data.

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Understanding COVID-19 Variants – What Can The Coronavirus Infection Survey Tell Us?

The ONS is reporting signs of a recent increase in COVID-19 infection rates in much of the UK. There are also indications of the first cases of the newer B.1.617.2 variant. The ONS survey repeatedly tests a large, randomised sample of the entire community population. In this post Sarah Crofts explains what it can tell us about the spread of COVID-19 variants.

Read more on Understanding COVID-19 Variants – What Can The Coronavirus Infection Survey Tell Us?

Beware Base Effects

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The sharp rise in consumer prices inflation revealed in the latest monthly data has inevitably prompted speculation about what’s to come. To fully understand the new figures, however, it’s important to remember that we have just passed the first anniversary of the pandemic. As Grant Fitzner explains, the statistical effects of that landmark need to unravel before the real the path of inflation and other economic statistics becomes clear.

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