Population projections suggest future growth concentrated in London and the South

We’ve published our latest population projections – an indication of future population size. These projections will support a wide range of planning activities in sectors such as health, housing, education, transport, business development and beyond. Here, Andrew Nash explains how we produce these local figures that go up to 2041.

Read more on Population projections suggest future growth concentrated in London and the South

Marking eight years of National Well-being – How we’re doing so far

Eight years ago, ONS established the Measuring National Well-being (MNW) programme. The aim was to produce accepted and trusted measures of the well-being of the nation and answer the fundamental question “how are we doing?”.   Rhian Jones discusses how the programme is enabling decision makers to look differently at the society around them, helping them to make better decisions.  

Read more on Marking eight years of National Well-being – How we’re doing so far

Measuring personal well-being: Leaving no one behind

ONS has pioneered the measurement of national well-being in the UK in addition to traditional measures of prosperity, enabling policy makers to make better more well-rounded decisions. As the work matures, its scope is being expanded to better reflect the well-being of the whole population. Here, David Tabor describes some of the enhancements ONS is introducing to make sure no one is left behind.  

Read more on Measuring personal well-being: Leaving no one behind