Making it count: How we are introducing ‘double deflation’ into UK GDP

Factory assembly line

The ONS has been developing a new, improved method for producing GDP over the last few years. Today the first experimental estimates are being published fully using this new system, which include the much vaunted ‘double deflation’ adjustments to the figures. Here, Rob Kent Smith talks about the new figures and why they are important. 

Read more on Making it count: How we are introducing ‘double deflation’ into UK GDP

Understanding the impact of the coronavirus at a local level

Image shows different types of families in illustrated form

During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the ONS has been providing regular weekly insight into its impact on individuals and their households.  To respond to the need for more information at a local level, as restrictions vary across different parts of Britain, we have significantly increased the sample size of our weekly Opinions and Lifestyle (OPN) survey. Andrea Lacey explains the changes we have made and what can be expected in the coming weeks.

Read more on Understanding the impact of the coronavirus at a local level

It’s World Statistics Day again and this time the numbers really count

World Statistics Day 2020 logo

In his second blog post for World Statistics Day, National Statistician, Professor Sir Ian Diamond, takes a look at how the UK’s statisticians have risen to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and considers how all official statistics need to reflect the experiences of the whole population.

Read more on It’s World Statistics Day again and this time the numbers really count