Transforming the way we produce population statistics

Picture of busy crowds in London

The census gives us a brilliant, detailed snapshot of England and Wales, but since census day the world has continued to change. People move home, change jobs, some will have left the country while others will have arrived. Reflecting these ongoing changes, Jen Woolford explains how the ONS is using a variety of data sources to provide more frequent, inclusive, and timely statistics to allow us to understand population change in local areas this year and beyond.

Read more on Transforming the way we produce population statistics

Who is paying for their own community care?

Image of a nurse visiting an elderly lady in her home

Last week’s first results from the England and Wales 2021 Census revealed, we are an increasingly ageing population. Nearly one in five of us (18.6%) – an estimated 11.1 million people – were aged 65 years and over in 2021.  Inevitably, this means that more people will require care, often in their own home.  Here, the ONS’s Head of Social Care Analysis, Dr Sophie John, explains the challenges of finding out how many people are paying for care in their own home.

Read more on Who is paying for their own community care?

The COVID-19 Infection Survey is changing. What does this mean for how the UK monitors the virus?

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) COVID-19 Infection Survey was launched in April 2020 to provide valuable, timely estimates on how many people were infected with COVID-19. These data helped the governments of UK countries make decisions on how to respond to the evolving pandemic and provided information to the public.
The survey is changing during 2022. What do these changes mean and how will the survey continue to be valuable? Here, Sarah Crofts explains more.

Read more on The COVID-19 Infection Survey is changing. What does this mean for how the UK monitors the virus?


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It’s bad news for the Nigels, Carols, Gordons and Cheryls of the world as shifting fashions consign their names to near extinction. Speaking on the latest episode of the Office for National Statistics’ podcast series “Statistically Speaking”, Dr James Tucker of the ONS explains how the annual list of the top baby names in England and Wales unfailingly reflects changing times.